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Play is serious business

Like you, we want children to become everything they dream of becoming, from doctors and designers to astronauts and artists. It all begins in childhood. Playtime is much more than fun for children—it’s a chance to build their confidence, bond with their family, understand the world, and develop their cognitive, social, and communication skills.  

Many of our toys are created within the Montessori educational framework, a non-traditional learning method that emphasizes independence, choice, self-learning, and personal development. This method creates a safe, supportive space where kids are free to make mistakes and guide themselves, promoting their intellectual, physical, and emotional intelligence. 

Some of the qualities you can expect from Nene Toys’ product line include:

1. Simple

Little minds and tiny fingers are trying to make sense of the wonderful world, and they learn best when presented with organized information. Our toys use bright geometric shapes to capture kids’ attention and help them abstract the essential elements of the game.

2. Functional

For kids’ toys to balance engagement and education, they should require active participation for use — the opposite of on-screen games or TV shows. Our toys empower little ones to explore, make decisions, and drive their own ideas. Instead of being passive spectators, they’re encouraged to build, interact, and learn about their capabilities.

3. Versatile

There’s nothing worse than a kids’ toy that can only be solved once before the magic disappears. We focus on stocking adaptable kids’ toys that can be used in myriad ways—from glow boards that are as limitless as their imagination to blocks that can be broken down and rebuilt in new ways, we’re passionate about giving kids endless ways to explore their creativity in each toy.

4. Curiosity-friendly

From all-natural wood to non-toxic plastic, we know that the first place many toys go is into kids’ mouths. At Nene Toys, we celebrate their unconventional way of exploring the world! While you should always supervise the little ones’ playtime, our range of toys are certified according to stringent European CE safety standards, making them friendly to all the senses and durable enough to be tasted, touched, and tossed for years to come.

Game-Changing Toys for Forward-Thinking Parents

We know that every purchase parents make from Nene Toys is a vote of confidence. Our customers trust us with one of their most precious hopes—the drive to be there for their children and support their development in the most effective way possible. We take that trust seriously, and we’re up to the task!When creating our toys, we work closely alongside highly-experienced educational professionals immersed in children's health, development, and education. We listen, learn, and apply so we can always be sure we’re making the right choice for you and your family. Plus, we’re passionate about passing that knowledge along to our customers. Whether you’re a brand new parent who isn’t sure about a million-and-one things or an experienced parent looking for some new tools ‘n tricks for your playtime approach, you can find insightful information and valuable resources on our social media, blog, and webpage to help guide you through your childrens’ development journey—from our family to yours.Nene Toys doesn’t exist simply to share educational kids' toys. We’re here to change the game. Shop our online store for simple, fun, and sensory games that enhance your kids’ learning and growing experience so they can reach their full potential.